Tuesday, May 25, 2010


We hear over and over again how important sun protection is but many of us ignore the warnings. If you are trying to prevent aging (and who of us isn't?) or more importantly prevent skin cancer (which is on the rise) than you must wear sunscreen. The latest scientific studies tell us that we need a broad spectrum sunscreen. Most sunscreens in the market protect you from UVB rays. UVB rays are only partially absorbed by the ozone. These rays are responsible for causing harmful sunburns and are most dangerous between 10 am and 4 pm. However, most of the rays that reach the earth are UVA rays. The UVA rays are present sunrise to sunset and penetrate the skin much deeper. UVA rays can cause free radical damage causing the breakdown of collagen which leads to wrinkles, hyperpigmentation and aging skin. UVA rays can penetrate through light clothing, cloud cover and untinted glass. Both UVA and UVB can cause skin cancer. SPF only protects against UVB. The only safe ingredient to protect against both UVA and UV is zinc oxide. According the Environmental Working Group many sunscreen products contain oxybenzone which is a hormone disrupter. The latest reports indicate that Titanium Dioxide maybe phototoxic. Always be sure your sunscreen is non-nano particle. The addition of green tea, which is rich in antioxidants is beneficial in fighting free radical damage. Did you know that lip cancer is most common on the bottom lip where sun exposure is the most direct? So it important to protect your lips as well.

The American Cancer Society advises putting sunscreen on 30 minutes before you go outside and repeat every two hours. This is where most people make a mistake. Applying once a day will not protect you all day. And apply generously.

So please make sure you are wearing enough of the right protection. As they say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.