Monday, March 24, 2014

Change is Good

I'm moving my business.  Well actually I am moving and going back to just having a skin care studio.  For many reasons I have decided to no longer have the retail shop.  Having the shop was a valuable learning experience, and life lesson.  I will continue to make my skin care products and some of my body care as well and of course continue utilizing my herbal and aromatherapy training which is integral to my skin care products.
In addition I will provide customized products upon request.  I am excited that Sixteen Tons, an exclusive men's shop in Baltimore will be carrying my line of men's aftershaves and lotions.

Change is good and I embrace it.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

A Snowstorm and a Bad Cold Was Just What I needed.

I am an introvert by nature.  So it isn't unusual for me to spend long hours by myself.  However, most of the time I am working.  Thinking up new products, keeping up with social media, making new products, well you get the picture.  I've been pretty much on the go since I opened the Wellness Boutique in June.  Well on Monday we had a snowstorm, which normally wouldn't have had any effect on my working from home BUT I came down with a bad cold...yes I started taking Elderberry syrup. And the Elderberry did it's job and I am completely better.  But I digress.  With an awful head cold I really did not feel like doing very much except sleep and rest and sleep some more. 

For the first time in months I felt too awful to work on new products, keep up with social media or any work related matters.  I was forced to just rest.  I really needed that.  It gave me the chance to step back, re-evaluate things.  I will share some of these decisions in the coming weeks.  Do you give yourself the chance to rest when your body is telling you to?  If not you really should think about it.