Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Herbs In My Life

Since herbs play such an important role in my life and my skin care products I thought it would be fun to post information once a week on a different herb. So starting next Tuesday and every Tuesday until this series is complete, I will discuss an herb and how it can be used. For those of you who are only familiar with using herbs for culinary purposes I hope to introduce you to a whole new way of looking at herbs. And for those of you who are already familiar with medicinal herbs hopefully I will bring some new ways for you to use these herbs and I look forward to you sharing your comments on how you use them.

oil infused with Calendula

Herbs can be used internally in teas, infusions, decoctions and tinctures, depending on the part of the plant used, condition being treated and strength needed.  Teas, infusions and decoctions are made with water while most tinctures are made with alcohol though they can also be made with vegetable glycerin or vinegar.  Externally, herbs are first generally infused in oil or made into a tincture using alcohol and then added to other ingredients to make salves, ointments, or added to any skin care product as I do. I use a variety of herbs in my skin care products and baby products.  I would not add a water based infusion to products used externally unless you are going to add a preservative.  Once water is introduced to a product it is susceptible to bacteria, mold an fungus.

And as my day comes to a close, I love to curl up on the couch sipping a blend of herbal tea.  Tonight it will be a blend of Linden flower, Hawthorne berries and milky oat tops.  What tea are you sipping?

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